Working in a dynamic network
By choosing KARMAR, you will be joining and contributing to a passionate and diverse team of professionals.
Recruitment process:
- Sending a CV. After acquainting with the job offer, the candidate sends us a CV using the application form. Remember to agree to the processing of data provided by you and consent to the processing of your data in future recruitments, if you want us to take you into account also in future projects.
- Analysis and selection of applications. From among the submitted CVs, we select the ones most suited to the requirements of the proposed position.
- First contact – a phone conversation with a selected group of candidates. Selected people are invited for interviews.
- The first meeting with the candidate, usually led by an employee of the HR Department. This stage is aimed at getting to know the current professional experience of the candidate, his achievements and plans for the future. The meeting is also an opportunity for you to get to know our organization better.
- A conversation with your supervisor is the last and at the same time decisive phase of the recruitment process.
- Welcome to the team!
Below is the current list of our job offers (Polish language only)
If at the moment we do not have an offer that interests you, please leave your application in our database. To do this, please complete the form that consents the the processing of personal data. In the case of the appearance of offers taileored to your skills and qualifications we will come back to you!