Completion: 2018
Construction time: 98 months
Value: 18.7 billion EUR
length: 55 km
It is the longest sea bridge in the world: 55 km of highway covers the mouth of the Pearl River in the South China Sea, after which it submerges in the undersea tunnel. Chinese President Xi Jinping officially opened a gigantic facility connecting Hong Kong, Macau and China on October 24, 2018. Bouygues Construction – Bouygues Travaux Publics, Dragages Hong Kong and VSL were involved in the implementation of this colossal venture.
The bridge is made up of 250 types of prefabricated segments, laid out at a rate of 18 per day using a fractured shaft. The challenge was to conduct works in such a way as to keep the watercourses open for the entire duration of the project.
Now you can reach Hong Kong from the main cities of the Pearl River delta within 30 minutes, compared to a four-hour trip by mainland or an hour’s boat trip …